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《海洋科学百科全书》(Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences,ISBN978-0122274305)是国际著名出版机构—爱思唯尔集团(ELSEVIER)发行的关于海洋科学的最新、最权威、最全面的巨著,涵盖世界顶尖科学家在海洋物理演变过程、化学、生物学以及地质学领域的研究成果。包

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第1卷Volume 1

气候突变S Rahmstorf

Abrupt Climate ChangeS Rahmstorf

化学传感器的吸收光谱F Sevilla, III

Absorbance Spectroscopy for Chemical SensorsR Narayanaswamy, F Sevilla, III

深海流W Zenk

Abyssal CurrentsW Zenk

增生楔J C Moore

Accretionary PrismsJ C Moore

近底泥沙输移过程的声学测量P D Thorne, P S Bell

Acoustic Measurement of Near-Bed Sediment Transport ProcessesP D Thorne, P S Bell

噪声I Dyer

Acoustic NoiseI Dyer

海洋生物的声散射K G Foote

Acoustic Scattering by Marine OrganismsK G Foote

声闪烁热成像P A Rona, C D Jones

Acoustic Scintillation ThermographyP A Rona, C D Jones

海洋沉积物声学T Akal

Acoustics In Marine SedimentsT Akal

北极声学P N Mikhalevsky

Acoustics, ArcticP N Mikhalevsky

深海声学W A Kuperman

Acoustics, Deep OceanW A Kuperman

浅水声学F B Jensen

Acoustics, ShallowWater F B Jensen

风输入物R Chester

Aeolian Inputs R Chester

阿加勒斯海流J R E Lutjeharms

Agulhas CurrentJ R E Lutjeharms

飞机遥感LW Harding Jr, W D Miller, R N Swift, C W Wright

Aircraft Remote Sensing LW Harding Jr, W D Miller, R N Swift, C W Wright

海-气气体交换B Ja¨hne

Air–Sea Gas ExchangeB Ja¨hne

海-气传输:二甲基硫、COS、CS2、NH4、非甲烷碳氢化合物、有机卤素J W Dacey, H J Zemmelink

Air–Sea Transfer: Dimethyl Sulfide, COS, CS2, NH4, Non-Methane Hydrocarbons, Organo-HalogensJ W Dacey, H J Zemmelink

海-气传输:N2O, NO, CH4, CO C S Law

Air–Sea Transfer: N2O, NO, CH4, CO C S Law

海雀T Gaston

AlcidaeT Gaston

南极绕极流S R Rintoul

Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentS R Rintoul

南极鱼类I Everson

Antarctic FishesI Everson

海洋中人为排放的微量元素E A Boyle

Anthropogenic Trace Elements in the Ocean E A Boyle

防污材料D J Howell, S M Evans

Antifouling MaterialsD J Howell, S M Evans

北冰洋环流B Rudels

Arctic Ocean CirculationB Rudels

人工礁W Seaman, W J Lindberg

Artificial ReefsW Seaman, W J Lindberg

大西洋赤道海流S G Philander

Atlantic Ocean Equatorial CurrentsS G Philander

污染物的大气输入R A Duce

Atmospheric Input of PollutantsR A Duce

颗粒物质的大气输送和海洋沉积J M Prospero, R Arimoto

Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Particulate Material to the OceansJ M Prospero, R Arimoto

自生沉积物G M McMurtry

Authigenic DepositsG M McMurtry

浮游细菌H W Ducklow

BacterioplanktonH W Ducklow

须鲸J L Bannister

Baleen WhalesJ L Bannister

波罗的海环流W Krauss

Baltic Sea CirculationW Krauss

海洋测深学D Monahan

BathymetryD Monahan

物理过程对海滩的影响A D Short

Beaches, Physical Processes AffectingA D Short

本格拉海流L V Shannon

Benguela CurrentL V Shannon

水底边界层效应D J Wildish

Benthic Boundary Layer EffectsD J Wildish

底栖有孔虫A J Gooday

Benthic ForaminiferaA J Gooday

底栖生物概述P F Kingston

Benthic Organisms Overview P F Kingston

生物声学P L Tyack

BioacousticsP L Tyack

生物地球化学数据同化E E Hofmann, M A M Friedrichs

Biogeochemical Data Assimilation E E Hofmann, M A M Friedrichs

生物泵和颗粒通量S Honjo

Biological Pump and Particle FluxesS Honjo

生物荧光P J Herring, E A Widder

BioluminescenceP J Herring, E A Widder

生物光学模型A Morel

Bio-Optical Models A Morel

生物扰动作用D H Shull

BioturbationD H Shull

黑海环流G I Shapiro

Black Sea CirculationG I Shapiro

底部水群系A L Gordon

Bottom Water FormationA L Gordon

巴西和福克兰(马尔维纳斯)海流A R Piola, R P Matano

Brazil and Falklands (Malvinas) CurrentsA R Piola, R P Matano

破碎波浪和近海面湍流J Gemmrich

Breaking Waves and Near-Surface TurbulenceJ Gemmrich

气泡D K Woolf

BubblesD K Woolf

碳酸钙L C Peterson

Calcium CarbonatesL C Peterson

加利福尼亚和阿拉斯加海流B M Hickey, T C Royer

California and Alaska CurrentsB M Hickey, T C Royer

加那利和葡萄牙海流E D Barton

Canary and Portugal Currents E D Barton

碳循环C A Carlson, N R Bates, D A Hansell, D K Steinberg

Carbon Cycle C A Carlson, N R Bates, D A Hansell, D K Steinberg

二氧化碳(CO2)循环T Takahashi

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Cycle T Takahashi

通过直接注入海洋进行固碳E E Adams, K Caldeira

Carbon Sequestration via Direct Injection into the OceanE E Adams, K Caldeira

新生代气候——氧同位素证据J D Wright

Cenozoic Climate – Oxygen Isotope EvidenceJ D Wright

新生代海洋——碳循环模型L Franc¸ois, Y Godde´ris

Cenozoic Oceans – Carbon Cycle ModelsL Franc¸ois, Y Godde´ris

头足类动物P Boyle

CephalopodsP Boyle

海洋中的氟氯化碳R A Fine

CFCs in the Ocean R A Fine

河口沉积物中的化学过程W R Martin

Chemical Processes in Estuarine SedimentsW R Martin

氯化烃J W Farrington

Chlorinated HydrocarbonsJ W Farrington

粘土矿物学H Chamley

Clay MineralogyH Chamley

海岸环流模型F E Werner, B O Blanton

Coastal Circulation ModelsF E Werner, B O Blanton

人类对海岸地形的影响D M Bush, O H Pilkey, W J Neal

Coastal Topography, Human Impact on D M Bush, O H Pilkey, W J Neal

海岸陷波J M Huthnance

Coastal Trapped WavesJ M Huthnance

海岸地区的管理D R Godschalk

Coastal Zone ManagementD R Godschalk

颗石藻T Tyrrell, J R Young

CoccolithophoresT Tyrrell, J R Young

冷水珊瑚礁J M Roberts

Cold-Water Coral Reefs J M Roberts

保守元素D W Dyrssen

Conservative Elements D W Dyrssen

连续浮游生物记录仪A John, P C Reid

Continuous Plankton RecordersA John, P C Reid

桡足类动物R Harris

CopepodsR Harris

珊瑚礁和其他热带渔场V Christensen, D Pauly

Coral Reef and Other Tropical FisheriesV Christensen, D Pauly

珊瑚礁鱼类M A Hixon

Coral Reef FishesM A Hixon

珊瑚礁J W McManus

Coral ReefsJ W McManus

珊瑚和人类干扰N J Pilcher

Corals and Human DisturbanceN J Pilcher

宇生同位素D Lal

Cosmogenic IsotopesD Lal

海冰-海洋耦合模型A Beckmann, G Birnbaum

Coupled Sea Ice–Ocean ModelsA Beckmann, G Birnbaum

甲壳类动物渔场J W Penn, N Caputi, R Melville-Smith

Crustacean FisheriesJ W Penn, N Caputi, R Melville-Smith

电导率温度深度(CTD)剖面仪A J Williams, III

CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) Profiler A J Williams, III

大西洋海流系统L Stramma

Current Systems in the Atlantic OceanL Stramma

印度洋海流系统M Fieux, G Reverdin

Current Systems in the Indian OceanM Fieux, G Reverdin

南大洋海流系统A L Gordon

Current Systems in the Southern Ocean A L Gordon

地中海海流系统P Malanotte-Rizzoli

Current Systems in the Mediterranean SeaP Malanotte-Rizzoli

第2卷Volume 2

模型数据同化A R Robinson, P F J Lermusiaux

Data Assimilation in ModelsA R Robinson, P F J Lermusiaux

深对流J R N Lazier

Deep ConvectionJ R N Lazier

深潜科学D J Fornari

Deep Submergence, Science ofD J Fornari

深海钻探法K Moran

Deep-Sea Drilling MethodologyK Moran

深海钻探结果J G Baldauf

Deep-Sea Drilling ResultsJ G Baldauf

深海动物区系P V R Snelgrove, J F Grassle

Deep-Sea FaunaP V R Snelgrove, J F Grassle

深海鱼类J D M Gordon

Deep-Sea FishesJ D M Gordon

深海山脊,微生物学A-L Reysenbach

Deep-Sea Ridges, MicrobiologyA-L Reysenbach

深海泥沙漂移D A V Stow

Deep-Sea Sediment DriftsD A V Stow

底栖类动物渔场K Brander

Demersal Species FisheriesK Brander

历史海面温度的确定M Kucera

Determination of Past Sea Surface TemperaturesM Kucera

差异扩散A E Gargett

Differential DiffusionA E Gargett

深海中的分散和扩散RW Schmitt, J R Ledwell

Dispersion and Diffusion in the Deep Ocean RW Schmitt, J R Ledwell

热液喷口产生的分散作用K R Helfrich

Dispersion from Hydrothermal VentsK R Helfrich

海洋物种的多样性P V R Snelgrove

Diversity of Marine SpeciesP V R Snelgrove

海豚和鼠海豚R S Wells

Dolphins and PorpoisesR S Wells

双扩散对流R W Schmitt

Double-Diffusive Convection R W Schmitt

漂流物和漂浮物P L Richardson

Drifters and FloatsP L Richardson

已开发海洋鱼类的种群动力学M J Fogarty

Dynamics of Exploited Marine Fish PopulationsM J Fogarty

东澳大利亚海流G Cresswell

East Australian CurrentG Cresswell

海平面上升对经济的影响R S J Tol

Economics of Sea Level Rise R S J Tol

渔业对生态系统的影响S J Hall

Ecosystem Effects of Fishing S J Hall

鳗鱼J D McCleave

Eels J D McCleave

气候变化对海洋哺乳动物的影响I Boyd, N Hanson

Effects of Climate Change on Marine MammalsI Boyd, N Hanson

埃克曼输送和抽吸T K Chereskin, J F Price

Ekman Transport and PumpingT K Chereskin, J F Price

厄尔尼诺南徊(ENSO)K E Trenberth

El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)K E Trenberth

厄尔尼诺南徊(ENSO)模型S G Philander

El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) ModelsS G Philander

海水的电学特性R D Prien

Electrical Properties of Sea Water R D Prien

元素分布概述Y Nozaki*

Elemental Distribution: OverviewY Nozaki*

* 已故。

* Deceased.

海洋混合能量学A C Naveira Garabato

Energetics of Ocean MixingA C Naveira Garabato

赤道波A V Fedorov, J N Brown

Equatorial WavesA V Fedorov, J N Brown

估算混合J M Klymak, J D Nash

Estimates of MixingJ M Klymak, J D Nash

河口环流K Dyer

Estuarine CirculationK Dyer

富营养化V N de Jonge, M Elliott

EutrophicationV N de Jonge, M Elliott

蒸发和湿度K Katsaros

Evaporation and HumidityK Katsaros

外来物种的引入D Minchin

Exotic Species, Introduction ofD Minchin

一次性传感器J Scott

Expendable SensorsJ Scott

峡湾环流A Stigebrandt

Fiord CirculationA Stigebrandt

峡湾生态系统K S Tande

Fiordic Ecosystems K S Tande

鱼类生态生理学J Davenport

Fish Ecophysiology J Davenport

鱼类进食和觅食P J B Hart

Fish Feeding and ForagingP J B Hart

仔稚鱼E D Houde

Fish LarvaeE D Houde

鱼类的游动J J Videler

Fish LocomotionJ J Videler

鱼类水平迁移G P Arnold

Fish Migration, HorizontalG P Arnold

鱼类垂直迁移J D Neilson, R I Perry

Fish Migration, Vertical J D Neilson, R I Perry

鱼类的捕食和死亡K M Bailey, J T Duffy-Anderson

Fish Predation and MortalityK M Bailey, J T Duffy-Anderson

鱼类的繁殖J H S Blaxter

Fish ReproductionJ H S Blaxter

鱼群T J Pitcher

Fish SchoolingT J Pitcher

鱼类的视觉R H Douglas

Fish VisionR H Douglas

底栖鱼类(生活史、行为和适应性)O A Bergstad

Fish: Demersal Fish (Life Histories, Behavior, Adaptations) O A Bergstad

鱼类概述Q Bone

Fish: General ReviewQ Bone

鱼类的听觉和侧线(机制、对行为的作用以及水下生活的适应性)A N Popper, D M Higgs

Fish: Hearing, Lateral Lines (Mechanisms, Role in Behavior, Adaptations to Life Underwater) A N Popper, D M Higgs

渔业和气候K M Brander

Fisheries and ClimateK M Brander

渔业经济U R Sumaila, G R Munro

Fisheries EconomicsU R Sumaila, G R Munro

渔业概述M J Fogarty, J S Collie

Fisheries Overview M J Fogarty, J S Collie

渔业:多物种动力学J S Collie

Fisheries: Multispecies Dynamics J S Collie

渔业管理T P Smith, M P Sissenwine

Fishery ManagementT P Smith, M P Sissenwine

渔业管理中人的因素D C Wilson, B J McCay

Fishery Management, Human DimensionD C Wilson, B J McCay

通过资源增殖或恢复对渔业进行控制M D J Sayer

Fishery Manipulation through Stock Enhancement or RestorationM D J Sayer

捕鱼方法和捕鱼船队R Fonteyne

Fishing Methods and Fishing FleetsR Fonteyne

絮状物层R S Lampitt

Floc LayersR S Lampitt

弗罗里达海流、湾流和拉布拉多海流P L Richardson

Florida Current, Gulf Stream, and Labrador CurrentP L Richardson

深海通道中的水流N G Hogg

Flow through Deep Ocean PassagesN G Hogg

海峡中的水流D M Farmer

Flows in Straits and Channels D M Farmer

流体动力学简介和实验室试验S A Thorpe

Fluid Dynamics, Introduction, and Laboratory Experiments S A Thorpe

生物传感荧光计D J Suggett, C M Moore

Fluorometry for Biological SensingD J Suggett, C M Moore

化学传感荧光计S Draxler, M E Lippitsch

Fluorometry for Chemical Sensing S Draxler, M E Lippitsch

食物网A Belgrano, J A Dunne, J Bascompte

Food WebsA Belgrano, J A Dunne, J Bascompte

数值模型的正演问题M A Spall

Forward Problem in Numerical Models M A Spall

化石湍流C H Gibson

Fossil TurbulenceC H Gibson

第3卷Volume 3

河口气体交换M I Scranton, M A de Angelis

Gas Exchange in EstuariesM I Scranton, M A de Angelis

胶质浮游动物L P Madin, G R Harbison

Gelatinous Zooplankton L P Madin, G R Harbison

通用环流模型G R Ierley

General Circulation ModelsG R Ierley

地磁极性年表C G Langereis, W Krijgsman

Geomagnetic Polarity TimescaleC G Langereis, W Krijgsman

地貌学C Woodroffe

GeomorphologyC Woodroffe

地球物理热流C A Stein, R P Von Herzen

Geophysical Heat FlowC A Stein, R P Von Herzen

冰川地壳反弹、海平面和海岸线K Lambeck

Glacial Crustal Rebound, Sea Levels, and ShorelinesK Lambeck

水下滑翔机C C Eriksen

GlidersC C Eriksen

全球海洋污染A D Mclntyre

Global Marine Pollution A D Mclntyre

陆架底栖生物采样抓斗P F Kingsto

Grabs for Shelf Benthic Sampling P F Kingston

重力M McNutt

GravityM McNutt

流向近海的地下水A E Mulligan, M A Charette

Groundwater Flow to the Coastal OceanA E Mulligan, M A Charette

栖息地改造M J Kaiser

Habitat ModificationM J Kaiser

海面的热通量和动量通量P K Taylor

Heat and Momentum Fluxes at the Sea SurfaceP K Taylor

热量输送和气候H L Bryden

Heat Transport and ClimateH L Bryden

海洋科学的历史H M Rozwadowski

History of Ocean SciencesH M Rozwadowski

全新世气候变率M Maslin, C Stickley, V Ettwein

Holocene Climate Variability M Maslin, C Stickley, V Ettwein

热液喷口生物群R A Lutz

Hydrothermal Vent BiotaR A Lutz

热液喷口沉积物R M Haymon

Hydrothermal Vent DepositsR M Haymon

热液喷口生态学C L Van Dover

Hydrothermal Vent EcologyC L Van Dover

热液喷口动物群生理学A J Arp

Hydrothermal Vent Fauna, Physiology ofA J Arp

热液喷口流体化学K L Von Damm

Hydrothermal Vent Fluids, Chemistry ofK L Von Damm

缺氧N N Rabalais

HypoxiaN N Rabalais

冰山D Diemand

IcebergsD Diemand

冰对海底的刨蚀作用W F Weeks

Ice-Induced Gouging of the SeafloorW F Weeks

冰-海相互作用J H Morison, M G McPhee

Ice–Ocean InteractionJ H Morison, M G McPhee

冰架的稳定性C S M Doake

Ice Shelf StabilityC S M Doake

火成岩省M F Coffins, O Eldholm

Igneous ProvincesM F Coffins, O Eldholm

印度洋赤道海流M Fieux

Indian Ocean Equatorial CurrentsM Fieux

印度尼西亚贯穿流J Sprintall

Indonesian Throughflow J Sprintall

固有光学特性和辐照度T D Dickey

Inherent Optical Properties and IrradianceT D Dickey

内潮汐混合W Munk

Internal Tidal MixingW Munk

内潮汐R D Ray

Internal Tides R D Ray

内波C Garrett

Internal WavesC Garrett

国际组织M R Reeve

International OrganizationsM R Reeve

潮间带鱼类R N Gibson

Intertidal FishesR N Gibson

美洲内海G A Maul

Intra-Americas Sea G A Maul

侵入D L Hebert

IntrusionsD L Hebert

示踪物和营养物的反演建模R Schlitzer

Inverse Modeling of Tracers and NutrientsR Schlitzer

反演模型C Wunsch

Inverse ModelsC Wunsch

红外辐射计C J Donlon

IR RadiometersC J Donlon

铁施肥法K H Coale

Iron FertilizationK H Coale

岛屿尾流E D Barton

Island WakesE D Barton

磷虾E J Murphy

Krill E J Murphy

黑潮和亲潮B Qiu

Kuroshio and Oyashio CurrentsB Qiu

湍流混合的实验室研究J A Whitehead

Laboratory Studies of Turbulent MixingJ A Whitehead

泻湖R S K Barnes

LagoonsR S K Barnes

拉格朗日生物模型D B Olson, C Paris, R Cowen

Lagrangian Biological ModelsD B Olson, C Paris, R Cowen

陆地-海洋全球传输F T Mackenzie, L M Ver

Land–Sea Global TransfersF T Mackenzie, L M Ver

郎缪尔环流和不稳定性S Leibovich

Langmuir Circulation and InstabilityS Leibovich

大型海洋生态系统K Sherman

Large Marine EcosystemsK Sherman

海鸥、燕鸥和剪嘴鸥J Burger, M Gochfeld

Laridae, Sternidae, and RynchopidaeJ Burger, M Gochfeld

海洋法P Hoagland, J Jacoby, M E Schumacher

Law of the SeaP Hoagland, J Jacoby, M E Schumacher

卢因海流G Cresswell, C M Domingues

Leeuwin CurrentG Cresswell, C M Domingues

示踪物长期变化F von Blanckenburg

Long-Term Tracer ChangesF von Blanckenburg

大型底栖生物J D Gage

MacrobenthosJ D Gage

磁学F J Vine

MagneticsF J Vine

锰结核D S Cronan

Manganese NodulesD S Cronan

红树M D Spalding

MangrovesM D Spalding

深海载人潜水器H Hotta, H Momma, S Takagawa

Manned Submersibles, Deep WaterH Hotta, H Momma, S Takagawa

浅海载人潜水器T Askew

Manned Submersibles, Shallow WaterT Askew

海水养殖疾病和健康A E Ellis

Mariculture Diseases and HealthA E Ellis

观赏鱼海水养殖N Forteath

Mariculture of Aquarium FishesN Forteath

地中海物种海水养殖G Barnabe, F Doumenge

Mariculture of Mediterranean SpeciesG Barnabe´, F Doumenge

海水养殖概述M Phillips

Mariculture OverviewM Phillips

海水养殖的经济和社会影响C R Engle

Mariculture, Economic and Social ImpactsC R Engle

海藻基因组和演化A Reyes-Prieto, H S Yoon, D Bhattacharya

Marine Algal Genomics and EvolutionA Reyes-Prieto, H S Yoon, D Bhattacharya

海洋生物技术H O Halvorson, F Quezada

Marine BiotechnologyH O Halvorson, F Quezada

海洋化学和医学资源S Ali, C Llewellyn

Marine Chemical and Medicine ResourcesS Ali, C Llewellyn

海洋渔业资源的整体状况J Csirke, S M Garcia

Marine Fishery Resources, Global State ofJ Csirke, S M Garcia

海洋哺乳动物的潜水生理学G L Kooyman

Marine Mammal Diving PhysiologyG L Kooyman

海洋哺乳动物的进化和分类J E Heyning

Marine Mammal Evolution and TaxonomyJ E Heyning

海洋哺乳动物的迁徙和移动模式P J Corkeron, S M Van Parijs

Marine Mammal Migrations and Movement PatternsP J Corkeron, S M Van Parijs

海洋哺乳动物概述P L Tyack

Marine Mammal OverviewP L Tyack

海洋哺乳动物的社会组织和交流P L Tyack

Marine Mammal Social Organization and CommunicationP L Tyack

海洋哺乳动物的食性层次和相互作用AW Trites

Marine Mammal Trophic Levels and Interactions AW Trites

海洋哺乳动物和海洋噪声D Wartzok

Marine Mammals and Ocean NoiseD Wartzok

海洋哺乳动物的开发历史R R Reeves

Marine Mammals, History of ExploitationR R Reeves

海洋哺乳动物:抹香鲸和突吻鲸S K Hooker

Marine Mammals: Sperm Whales and Beaked Whales S K Hooker

海洋藻垫A E S Kemp

Marine MatsA E S Kemp

海洋中宇宙生态模拟系统J H Steele

Marine Mesocosms J H Steele

海洋浮游生物群落G-A Paffenhofer

Marine Plankton CommunitiesG-A Paffenhofer

海洋政策概述P Hoagland, P C Ticco

Marine Policy Overview P Hoagland, P C Ticco

海洋保护区P Hoagland, U R Sumaila, S Farrow

Marine Protected AreasP Hoagland, U R Sumaila, S Farrow

海洋二氧化硅循环D J DeMaster

Marine Silica CycleD J DeMaster

海洋雪R S Lampitt

Marine SnowR S Lampitt

海上考古R D Ballard

Maritime ArchaeologyR D Ballard

涡流和水下涡旋H T Rossby

Meddies and Sub-Surface EddiesH T Rossby

地中海环流A R Robinson, W G Leslie, A Theocharis, A Lascaratos

Mediterranean Sea CirculationA R Robinson, W G Leslie, A Theocharis, A Lascaratos

较小型底栖生物B C Coull, G T Chandler

MeiobenthosB C Coull, G T Chandler

中宇宙生态模拟系统:海洋科学的围隔实验生态系统J E Petersen, W M Kemp

Mesocosms: Enclosed Experimental Ecosystems in Ocean ScienceJ E Petersen, W M Kemp

中层鱼类A G V Salvanes, J B Kristoffersen

Mesopelagic Fishes A G V Salvanes, J B Kristoffersen

中尺度涡旋P B Rhines

Mesoscale EddiesP B Rhines

金属污染G E Millward, A Turner

Metal PollutionG E Millward, A Turner

类金属和含氧阴离子G A Cutter

Metalloids and OxyanionsG A Cutter

甲烷水合物与气候影响B U Haq

Methane Hydrates and Climatic Effects B U Haq

甲烷水合物与海底滑坡J Mienert

Methane Hydrate and Submarine Slides J Mienert

微生物环M Landry

Microbial LoopsM Landry

底栖微藻G J C Underwood

Microphytobenthos G J C Underwood

洋中脊地球化学和岩石学M R Perfit

Mid-Ocean Ridge Geochemistry and PetrologyM R Perfit

洋中脊地震构造S M Carbotte

Mid-Ocean Ridge Seismic StructureS M Carbotte

洋中脊地震活动D R Bohnenstiehl, R P Dziak

Mid-Ocean Ridge Seismicity D R Bohnenstiehl, R P Dziak

洋中脊构造地质学、火山作用和地貌学K C Macdonald

Mid-Ocean Ridge Tectonics, Volcanism, and GeomorphologyK C Macdonald

洋中脊:地幔对流和岩石圈的形成G Ito, R A Dunn

Mid-Ocean Ridges: Mantle Convection and Formation of the LithosphereG Ito, R A Dunn

千年尺度气候变率J T Andrews

Millennial-Scale Climate VariabilityJ T Andrews

自生矿物提取J C Wiltshire

Mineral Extraction, Authigenic MineralsJ C Wiltshire

软体动物渔场V S Kennedy

Molluskan FisheriesV S Kennedy

季风的历史N Niitsuma, P D Naidu

Monsoons, History ofN Niitsuma, P D Naidu

系泊R P Trask, R AWeller

Moorings R P Trask, R AWeller

第4卷Volume 4

自游生物W G Pearcy, R D Brodeur

NektonW G Pearcy, R D Brodeur

雾状层I N McCave

Nepheloid LayersI N McCave

食物网的网络分析J H Steele

Network Analysis of Food WebsJ H Steele

中性面和状态方程T J McDougall, D R Jackett

Neutral Surfaces and the Equation of StateT J McDougall, D R Jackett

氮循环D M Karl, A F Michaels

Nitrogen CycleD M Karl, A F Michaels

海洋中的氮同位素D M Sigman, K L Karsh, K L Casciotti

Nitrogen Isotopes in the OceanD M Sigman, K L Karsh, K L Casciotti

惰性气体和低温层M Hood

Noble Gases and the CryosphereM Hood

非旋转重力流P G Baines

Non-Rotating Gravity CurrentsP G Baines

北大西洋涛动(NAO)J W Hurrell

North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)J W Hurrell

北海环流M J Howarth

North Sea CirculationM J Howarth

核燃料再处理和相关排放物H N Edmonds

Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Related DischargesH N Edmonds

海洋生物地球化学和生态学建模Gruber, S C Doney

Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecology, Modeling of NGruber, S C Doney

海洋碳系统建模C Doney, D M Glover

Ocean Carbon System, Modeling of SC Doney, D M Glover

海洋环流N C Wells

Ocean CirculationN C Wells

海洋环流:经向翻转环流J R Toggweiler

Ocean Circulation: Meridional Overturning CirculationJ R Toggweiler

海洋环流生态系统M P Seki, J J Polovina

Ocean Gyre Ecosystems M P Seki, J J Polovina

大洋边缘沉积物S L Goodbred Jr

Ocean Margin SedimentsS L Goodbred Jr

海洋牧场A G V Salvanes

Ocean RanchingA G V Salvanes

海洋俯冲带R G Williams

Ocean SubductionR G Williams

海洋热能转换(OTEC)S M Masutani, P K Takahashi

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) S M Masutani, P K Takahashi

海洋分区M Macleod, M Lynch, P Hoagland

Ocean Zoning M Macleod, M Lynch, P Hoagland

近海砂石开采E Garel, W Bonne, M B Collins

Offshore Sand and Gravel Mining E Garel, W Bonne, M B Collins

油污染J M Baker

Oil PollutionJ M Baker

鄂霍次克海环流L D Talley

Okhotsk Sea Circulation L D Talley

一维模型H Yamazaki, H Burchard, K Denman, T Nagai

One-Dimensional ModelsH Yamazaki, H Burchard, K Denman, T Nagai

远洋对流A Soloviev, B Klinger

Open Ocean Convection A Soloviev, B Klinger

深海物种远洋渔场J D M Gordon

Open Ocean Fisheries for Deep-Water SpeciesJ D M Gordon

大型浮游物种远洋渔场J Joseph

Open Ocean Fisheries for Large Pelagic SpeciesJ Joseph

光学颗粒特性P H Burkill, C P Gallienne

Optical Particle CharacterizationP H Burkill, C P Gallienne

大陆边缘环境中的有机碳循环R A Jahnke

Organic Carbon Cycling in Continental Margin EnvironmentsR A Jahnke

海洋的起源K K Turekian

Origin of the OceansK K Turekian

溢流和瀑布G F Lane-Serff

Overflows and Cascades G F Lane-Serff

海洋中的氧同位素K K Turekian

Oxygen Isotopes in the OceanK K Turekian

牡蛎——贝类养殖I Laing

Oysters – Shellfish FarmingI Laing

太平洋赤道海流R Lukas

Pacific Ocean Equatorial Currents R Lukas

古海洋学E Thomas

PaleoceanographyE Thomas

古海洋学气候模型W W Hay

Paleoceanography, Climate Models inW W Hay

古海洋学:轨道调谐时间标尺T D Herbert

Paleoceanography: Orbitally Tuned TimescalesT D Herbert

古海洋学:温室世界M Huber, E Thomas

Paleoceanography: the Greenhouse WorldM Huber, E Thomas

颗粒聚集动力学A Alldredge

Particle Aggregation DynamicsA Alldredge

通过珊瑚获知历史气候A G Grottoli

Past Climate from CoralsA G Grottoli

斑块动力学K L Denman, J F Dower

Patch DynamicsK L Denman, J F Dower

远洋生物地理学A Longhurst

Pelagic BiogeographyA Longhurst

远洋鱼类D H Cushing

Pelagic Fishes D H Cushing

鹈形目鸟类D Siegel-Causey

PelecaniformesD Siegel-Causey

透射短波辐射C A Paulson, W S Pegau

Penetrating Shortwave RadiationC A Paulson, W S Pegau

秘鲁-智利海流系统J Karstensen, O Ulloa

Peru–Chile Current SystemJ Karstensen, O Ulloa

瓣蹼鹬M Rubega

PhalaropesM Rubega

磷循环K C Ruttenberg

Phosphorus CycleK C Ruttenberg

光化学过程N V Blough

Photochemical ProcessesN V Blough

底栖植物M Wilkinson

PhytobenthosM Wilkinson

浮游植物大量繁殖D M Anderson

Phytoplankton BloomsD M Anderson

浮游植物的规模结构E Maranon

Phytoplankton Size Structure E Maranon

浮游生物M M Mullinw

PlanktonM M Mullinw

浮游生物和气候A J Richardson

Plankton and ClimateA J Richardson

浮游生物病毒J Fuhrman, I Hewson

Plankton VirusesJ Fuhrman, I Hewson

平台:自主水下航行器J G Bellingham

Platforms: Autonomous Underwater VehiclesJ G Bellingham

平台:海底通量探测器R A Jahnke

Platforms: Benthic Flux LandersR A Jahnke

海洋中的铂族元素及其同位素G E Ravizza

Platinum Group Elements and their Isotopes in the OceanG E Ravizza

上新世-更新世冰期旋回和米兰科维奇变率K H Nisancioglu

Plio-Pleistocene Glacial Cycles and Milankovitch VariabilityK H Nisancioglu

极地生态系统A Clarke

Polar EcosystemsA Clarke

固体物质污染C M G Vivian, L A Murray

Pollution, SolidsC M G Vivian, L A Murray

污染:污染控制的方法J S Grayw, J M Bewers

Pollution: Approaches to Pollution ControlJ S Grayw, J M Bewers

污染:海洋群落的影响R M Warwick

Pollution: Effects on Marine CommunitiesR M Warwick

冰间湖S Martin

Polynyas S Martin

种群动力学模型Francois Carlotti

Population Dynamics Models Francois Carlotti

海洋生物的种群遗传学D Hedgecock

Population Genetics of Marine OrganismsD Hedgecock

孔隙水化学D Hammond

Pore Water ChemistryD Hammond

初级生产分布S Sathyendranath, T Platt

Primary Production DistributionS Sathyendranath, T Platt

初级生产方法J J Cullen

Primary Production Methods J J Cullen

初级生产过程J A Raven

Primary Production ProcessesJ A Raven

鹱形目鸟类K C Hamer

ProcellariiformesK C Hamer

扩张裂谷和微板块Richard Hey

Propagating Rifts and Microplates Richard Hey

原生动物:浮游有孔虫R Schiebel, C Hemleben

Protozoa, Planktonic Foraminifera R Schiebel, C Hemleben

原生动物:放射虫O R Anderson

Protozoa, RadiolariansO R Anderson

海洋中的辐射传输C D Mobley

Radiative Transfer in the OceanC D Mobley

放射性废物L Føyn

Radioactive Wastes L Føyn

放射性碳R M Key

RadiocarbonR M Key

海洋中的稀土元素及其同位素Y Nozaki*

Rare Earth Elements and their Isotopes in the OceanY Nozaki*

* 已故。

* Deceased.

红海环流D Quadfasel

Red Sea CirculationD Quadfasel

Redfield比值 T Tyrrell

Redfield Ratio T Tyrrell

难熔金属K J Orians, C L Merrin

Refractory MetalsK J Orians, C L Merrin

稳态转换:生态角度L J Shannon, A Jarre, F B Schwing

Regime Shifts, Ecological Aspects L J Shannon, A Jarre, F B Schwing

稳态转换:物理外力作用F B Schwing

Regime Shifts, Physical ForcingF B Schwing

稳态转换:分析方法B deYoung, A Jarre

Regime Shifts: Methods of AnalysisB deYoung, A Jarre

区域和陆架海模型J J Walsh

Regional and Shelf Sea ModelsJ J Walsh

近海遥感N Hoepffner, G Zibordi

Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters N Hoepffner, G Zibordi

遥控潜水器K Shepherd

Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)K Shepherd

钻井平台和离岸结构物C A Wilson III, J W Heath

Rigs and offshore StructuresC A Wilson III, J W Heath

河流输入J D Milliman

River InputsJ D Milliman

岩石海岸G M Branch

Rocky Shores G M Branch

巨浪K Dysthe, H E Krogstad, P Muller

Rogue Waves







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